We create serial unicates with the mission to make contemporary art and culture accessible to a broad and interested art audience. The limited series of artworks result from a special collaboration between our art lab and emerging and established international contemporary artists. We do not limit ourselves to predefined rules and visual language but strive for a new level of depth by avoiding conventional “white cube” approach and aesthetics. Throughout our creation, we aim for an intensive exchange with the artists which contributes to a unique and intimate outcome of objects, prints and other functional objects. Each piece is not just a reproduction of an existing artwork but rather a recreation with its own story to tell.
Our art lab in Berlin-Kreuzberg is specialized in 3-D modeling and production, cabinet makers and refinement, powder coating, all kind of steel and bronze treatment, transfer printer, plotting, sewing and many others. Furthermore, we have specialists in architecture, robotics and sculpting.
All available works can be purchased through our website. For more information please contact info@oneoffany.com.