Jonathan Edelhuber is a Nashville based artist who works primarily in painting, drawing, and sculpture. His work is steeped in art history and places itself in a long lineage of artists who have created work according to formal teaching. He celebrates that history and uses the cannon to bolster a new way of seeing through bold color, line and texture. While his subjects seem direct, there’s often an underlying notion. An urgency to live is seen through his handling of the materials. A pure enjoyment of art and life is grasped by his painting, scraping, adding and subtracting of color and line, and his carefully curated and composed imagery.
Installation shot from Edelhuber show at NBB Gallery in 2021. The displayed painting was the inspiration to this project.
“Skull. The hard, dark, burnished steel of Jonathan Edlehuber’s edition “Heavy is the Head” pays direct homage to the artists of the past who aimed their sights at the violent climate around them. Our world seems forever on the brink of disaster, and Edelhuber’s thick relief of immovable metal perfectly describes our dire contemporary condition with its fear, grief, and inevitable demise. Somehow, even the dead grin widely through this predicament, as if they had no other choice.”
Scott Zieher